If you travel somewhere in the Tohoku region of Japan, I recommend taking a cruise on the Mogami River. The famous poet, Basho MATSUO (1644–1694) left the following haiku (Japanese seventeen-syllable poem):
Gathering seawards
The summer rains, how
swiftly flows
Mogami River.
(Translated by Donald Keene)
Why do not you feel the world of Japanese haiku at Mogami River?
Photos of the Mogami River

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture = Pixta

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture = Shutterstock

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture = Pixta

Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture = Shutterstock
Map of the Mogami River
Thank you for reading to the end.