Miyama is a beautiful rural village located in the central part of Kyoto Prefecture. There are about 250 Japanese-style houses of thatches. Guests are healed by the calm scenery. From Kyoto Station to Miyama is about 100 minutes by direct bus.
[st-card id=296 label=”” name=”” bgcolor=”” color=”” fontawesome=”” readmore=”off”]Photos of Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = AdobeStock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = AdbeStock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = AdbeStock

Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture = Shutterstock
Map of Miyama in Kyoto Prefecture
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