If you want to see the strongest castle in Japan, I recommend Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu. Kumamoto Castle was heavily damaged by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes. The photos on this page were taken before 2016. The castle is currently under restoration. From the spring of 2021, you will finally be able to visit the castle tower. If you go to this castle, you will surely feel the atmosphere of the samurai and the feelings of the locals who protect their castle!
Photos of the Kumamoto Castle

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan = Shutterstock

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan = AdobeStock

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan = Shutterstock

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan = Shutterstock

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan = Shutterstock

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan = AdobeStock

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan = Shutterstock

Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu, Japan = AdobeStock
Map of the Kumamoto Castle
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