What time is it in Japan right now? AM or PM?

What time is it now in Tokyo? What time is it in Kyoto?

Both Tokyo and Kyoto have the same time as the clock display above.

There is only one time zone in Japan

There is only one time zone in Japan. Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hokkaido, Sendai, Nagano, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Kumamoto and Okinawa are all at the same time. Furthermore, since there is no daylight saving time in Japan, it is not so difficult for you to know Japan time. Japan is now the below time (If time is not displayed, place the cursor on the Japanese part of the map). Please refer to the above time and check the time difference with the area you live in.

If the country is long in the east and west, there are several time zones in the same country, there is a time difference. However, Japan is not so long in the east and west. In Japan, the land extends long in the north and south, but in the east and west it is not so long that it is necessary to increase the time zone to two or more.

What is the weather and temperature in Japan right now?

Please check the website of the Japan Meteorological Agency.
The weather in Japan varies considerably from region to region. Japan is long from north to south and the topography is complex. Weather and temperatures should be checked for each destination.

The links below will help you find the weather for each region and the local clothing for each season. Please check them by destination and time of year when planning your trip.


The rabbit on this page lives on Ookuno island in Takehara City, Hiroshima prefecture. There are only about 20 humans on this island, but 700 rabbits are there. In the novel ” Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, a rabbit runs in a hurry while watching the pocket watch. If you go to Oono island, you might be able to meet such a mysterious rabbit.


Thank you for reading to the end.

Now, let’s plan to make your vacation in Japan the best experience ever!


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